Picture Perfect

As some of you may know, we no longer have Corbis as a stockphoto option. Tears, I know. They even go so far as to issue this statement:

"We're sorry, the Corbis Education program is no longer available.If you are interested in other ways to find affordable imagery for student projects, please be aware that Corbis now has a wide selection of more affordable imagery as low as $15. To find it, go to advanced search on our web site and search within our super value range. You may also want to visit Veer - a Corbis brand - and sign-up for the Veer student program which provides students with a 50% discount on many of its premium collections. Veer also has a wide selection of value imagery from $1 to $20 through its Veer Marketplace offering."

For most of the graphic designers at Ai, teachers have been weaning the students off of this process anyway. But being an Advertising student myself, I was left some what jilted without any knowledge of alternatives.

So the official word: Use "Creative Commons" such as flickr and sites of that nature and to simply cite who took the photo. Sounds easy enough. This will add variety to your work and also help you merge into how things are really done in the actual world.

Also if you would like further options visit Mr. Kings website: mrking24seven.com look under free image links.

It might take some more doing, but fret not. There is hope here is an example of how to cite an image provided by yahoo sponsored omg!:

right under Ms. Barton is a simple citation that prevents damages from incurring. For full page pics, gutters and margins also serve as a nice area for such a task. Open any magazine and have a look for yourself. You have options now, use them.


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